How to Pull Over in Your Driving Test: The Secrets I Wish I Knew Sooner!




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When taking the UK driving test you will be asked to pull over anywhere between 3 and 8 times depending on the situation. Making knowing how to pull Over in your driving test a really important skill to master. One of these will likely be an angle start behind a parked car and likelya hill start as well. If you are worried about how to pull over correctly, you are in the right place. Because I am about to share with you exactly how to pull over safely and correctly on the UK driving test.

How to Pull Over in Your Driving Test

Why Do They Make You Pull Over on the UK Driving Test?

They want to see you to pull over on the UK driving test to show the examiner that you can safely stop the car without becoming a hazard to any one else. More importantly they also want to see you safely drive away from the side of the road without pulling out on someone.

Top Secrets to Safely Pull Over in your Driving Test

A top tip for pulling over is to use blindspot mirrors. They are really useful when trying to reverse park and they are great when learning to judge how close you are to the kerb.

The most important thing to remember when pulling over is to check your mirrors and give a signal of around 2-5 seconds if there is a vehicle behind you depending on the situation. This will help prevent the vehicle behind you driving into the back of you when you begin to slow down to stop.

The second most important part of pulling over on your driving test is the moving off safely. All you have to remember to do is check your blind spots. This simply involves looking over both shoulders before driving away. The easiest way to do this properly is to have a quick 360 degree look all the way around the car before driving off. This way you are unlikely to miss anything and fail your driving test.

Here is a step by step guide to help you pull off the perfect pull over on the side of the road.

Step 1: Find a Safe Spot Identify a safe place to pull over. Avoid stopping in front of junctions, driveways, on double yellow lines, or at bus stops. The place should not obstruct traffic or pedestrian walkways.

Step 2: Signal Your Intentions Before you start to pull over, check your mirrors for any nearby vehicles or pedestrians. Once you’ve done that, use your indicator to signal your intention to pull over. Ensure you turn on your indicator at least 3-5 seconds before you start to slow down.

Step 3: Reduce Speed Begin to slow down gradually as you approach the spot where you intend to stop. You want to reduce your speed smoothly, not suddenly, to ensure the safety of other road users.

Step 4: Position Your Vehicle As you continue to reduce speed, position your car so it is about a drain’s width from the curb. Continue to slowly move your vehicle towards the curb, and carefully bring your car to a complete stop.

Step 5: Double Check Your Position Once you have stopped, double check your position. Make sure you aren’t blocking anyone or anything, and that your car is parked in a safe position.

Step 6: Secure Your Vehicle After confirming that you’re properly positioned, set the handbrake to secure your car. Once you’re securely parked, you can turn off your indicator. Remember, for your driving test, you would not be expected to turn the car off.

Step 7: Prepare to Move Off Wait for the examiner’s instructions before preparing to move off again. Make sure the handbrake is released, your car is in the correct gear, and you’ve checked for traffic before moving off.

Planning to do some driving practice at home? Check out our guide on how to teach a family member.

How to Pull Over in Your Driving Test: Final Thoughts 💭

This guide should help you understand how to safely and correctly pull over and park during your driving test, and during your everyday driving. Practice this until it becomes second nature and nothing will stop you. Drive safe!


1. What is the correct way for pulling over in a driving test?

When asked to pull over by the examiner during your driving test, you should first check your rear-view and left side mirror, signal in the direction you plan to move, before slowly manoeuvring the car to the kerb, aiming to stop within a drains width away.

2. How can I ensure that I choose a safe place to stop during my driving test?

Always look out for road signs, driveways, bus stops or yellow lines. You should avoid stopping your car where it might obstruct traffic or pedestrians, such as near a junction, pedestrian crossing, or on a bend.

3. What should I do once I’ve pulled over?

Once you’ve safely pulled over and come to a complete stop, apply the handbrake and put the car in neutral. You should also turn off your indicator if it hasn’t turned off automatically. The examiner will then tell you what to do next.

4. How can I smoothly pull away after stopping during the driving test?

When asked to pull away, you should first prepare the car popping into gear, and setting the bite ready if its manual. If its automatic, just move on to the next part. Look all around for any traffic or pedestrians, signal if necessary, perform a final shoulder check for safety, and then smoothly accelerate away.

5. What is the “MSM” routine I should remember for pulling over?

MSM stands for Mirror, Signal, Manoeuvre. It’s a routine you should remember during your test, and it helps ensure you’re conducting actions in a safe order: checking your mirrors for awareness, signalling your intentions, and then manoeuvring your vehicle.

6. Should I worry if I don’t pull over perfectly straight?

Whilst you should aim to stop your vehicle as parallel to the kerb as possible, a slight angle won’t matter as long as it does not effect other vehicles or people. However, a massive angle or mounting the kerb would be marked as faults.

7. How do I handle pulling over on a hill during my driving test?

If asked to pull over on a hill, the key is to safely control the car using the handbrake. Once you’ve stopped, apply the handbrake firmly to prevent rolling. When pulling away, ensure you have enough engine power, then release the handbrake just as the car starts to move.

8. What happens if I accidentally stall the car while pulling over during my driving test?

Stalling once or twice isn’t a failure, provided you handle it properly. If you stall, apply the handbrake, put the car into neutral, restart the engine, and prepare to pull away again safely. Persistent stalling, however, may affect your test result.

9. What should I do if I’m not sure where the examiner is asking me to pull over?

If you’re unsure about where the examiner is asking you to stop, it’s always better to ask than to guess. Examiners will not mark you down for asking them to repeat or clarify their instructions.

10. How can I practice pulling over for my driving test?

You can practice with a qualified driving instructor during your lessons. Try to practice in different scenarios – on both quiet and busy roads, uphill, downhill, and on roads of varying width. This will help you feel more confident during your test.

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3 responses to “How to Pull Over in Your Driving Test: The Secrets I Wish I Knew Sooner!”

  1. […] hardest bit for most of my learners is actually getting a driving test in the first place off of the DVSA website. There never seems to be any driving tests […]

  2. […] because if you are parking on a narrow road it might be far more important to park closer to the curb while if its a wider road it wont matter so much.  Normally you can use the other cars on the road […]

  3. […] information. A few ways you could do this are by reading up on a few more driving blogs such how to pull over on the left, watch some videos, or perhaps even have a lesson or two yourself. This will make you more aware of […]

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