Driving Lessons: Your Secret Weapon for the UK Driving Test




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Are you looking for an answer to How Many Driving Lessons do You Need? Do not worry; we have you covered in this article!

Nobody is more suited to helping you figure out a game plan with your driving lessons than an experienced driving instructor. Instructors and driving schools typically provide a first assessment lesson and will then often discuss what is going to work best for you. It’s a terrific opportunity for you both. You will get to know this new instructor while they evaluate your skills and estimate the number of hours you will need to reach test-standard proficiency. When learning to drive, no specific hours or lessons are legally required. For example I had students pass there driving test in just 10 hours while some other students have taken over 80 hours of driving lesson tuition to pass their test.

driving lessons

How Many Hours of Driving Lessons Will I Need If I Practice in my Own Car?

Typically a beginner learning to drive needs around 30+ hours of experience with family and about 25 hrs of driving lessons with a qualified driving instructor. The DVSA recommends closer to 45 hours of driving tuition and 20 hours of private practice but in my experience this many hours is not normally required.

The fact is that every person is unique. It doesn’t matter how long it takes you to prepare for your test, it could be 45 hours or 5 hours. The most crucial factor is that you are confident and safe to drive on thre road independently. If you are looking for more help to become a safe and independent driver check out Josh the Driving Instructors Online Driving Course.

Is It Better To Have 1 or 2 Hour Driving Lessons?

In my personal experience as a driving instrucotr I always reocmmend either 1l5 hour lessons or 2 hours lessons. I do not believe 1 hour lessons are the best amount of time for real learning to take place. In many cases i find that learners are just startiung to get the hang of things as that hour ends and they have to finish the lesson.

A two-hour driving instruction has additional advantages, such as:

  • Less weekly lessons are required, which benefits those with more demanding schedules.
  • Less time is wasted driving to learning areas at the start and driving home at the end as this is done every 2 hours instead of every hour.
  • If you find your self feeling nervous at the start of each driving lesson well 2 hours reduces how often you are going to feel nervous and will probably help you take in more information.
  • The driving instructor may have to drive you to the learning area at the early stages which in a 1 hour lesson will take up far more valuable lesson time.

    A fantastic video for learning how to impress the driving test examiner worth watching by Josh The Driving Instructor if you are looking for more help with the UK driving test.

Why Can One Hour Driving Lessons be Better?

Not everyone prefers the longer lessons including me the instructor sometimes. They can be exhausting, and some pupils have trouble remembering everything they have learned. You may find you begin making more mistakes as the end of the driving lesson draws near. A 1 hour lesson however might be more appropriate for you if you perform better in brief sessions.

Your driving instructor will design your lessons so that you will cover all the necessary driving material. They might also suggest some adjustments considering your performance.

Can I Pass My Driving Test After 10 Lessons?

Are you getting ready for your driving test? Dont risk ruining your driving test manuevers without checking out our Ultimate Parking Guide.

In theory yes you could potentially pass in 10 hours. As an example in over 100 students that I have helped pass there driving test 2 of those have completed it in less than 10 hours. Most are between 20-50 hours of driving.

Driving instruction typically lasts 45 hours, plus an additional 22 hours of practice. But don’t let this discourage you. Some drivers could require less, while others might need more. The fact is that passing your test as a good driver is more important than how many classes it takes. The sheer number of newly licensed drivers engaged in collisions proves the value of completing your driving test with good quality driving habits and more importantly a decent level of experience and a sensible conscience.


1. What are the most important safety tips for new drivers?

Safety should always be the primary concern for new drivers. Always wear your seatbelt, obey traffic laws, follow the speed limit, and never use your phone while driving. Make sure you’re well-rested before getting behind the wheel and never drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

2. What is defensive driving and why is it important for new drivers?

Defensive driving is a way of driving that allows you to defend yourself against possible accidents caused by bad drivers, drunk drivers, and poor weather. As a new driver, it’s important to always be aware of your surroundings, anticipate potential hazards, and keep a safe distance from other vehicles.

3. How can I improve my parking skills as a new driver?

Practise is key to improving parking skills. You can start by practising in a quiet, open space like an empty parking lot. Learn to gauge the size of your vehicle and understand the reference points. Also, using parking technologies like rear-view cameras and sensors can help.

4. How should I deal with road rage as a new driver?

Avoid engaging with aggressive drivers. If another driver is exhibiting signs of road rage, try to put distance between your vehicle and theirs. Always stay calm and composed, and remember that your primary goal is to reach your destination safely.

5. How should I handle driving in bad weather?

As a new driver, you should avoid driving in extreme weather conditions like heavy rain, snow, or fog until you gain more experience. If you must drive, slow down, maintain a safe distance from the vehicle ahead, and make sure your vehicle’s lights are on for better visibility.

6. What is the best way to handle highway driving as a new driver?

Before you begin driving on the highway, make sure you’re comfortable with higher speed limits and quick decision-making. Always follow the traffic flow, maintain a safe following distance, and use your signals when changing lanes. Be aware of blind spots and always check them before making a move.

7. How can I reduce fuel consumption as a new driver?

To reduce fuel consumption, avoid rapid acceleration and heavy braking. Try to maintain a steady speed and use cruise control on highways. Keeping your vehicle well-maintained, including proper tyre inflation, can also improve fuel efficiency.

8. How can I gain confidence in my driving skills?

The key to gaining confidence is through practice and experience. Start by driving in less crowded areas and gradually move on to busier roads and highways. Enrolling in advanced driving courses can also boost your confidence and competence.

9. How can I stay focused while driving?

Avoid distractions while driving, such as using your mobile phone, eating, or applying makeup. Keep your attention on the road, be aware of the vehicles around you, and always keep your hands on the wheel.

10. What should I keep in my car for emergencies?

It’s always a good idea to keep an emergency kit in your car. This can include a first-aid kit, flashlight, multi-tool, warm blanket, bottled water, non-perishable food items, jumper cables, and a tyre repair kit.



1. How many driving lessons do I need to pass the UK driving test?

The number of driving lessons needed can vary greatly per individual. On average, it usually takes around 45 hours of professional training combined with 20 hours of private practice to pass the driving test. However, some people might need more or less time depending on their learning pace.

2. Is there a minimum number of driving lessons required before taking the test in the UK?

There is no set legal minimum of driving lessons before taking the test. However, it’s recommended to have as many lessons as necessary to feel confident and safe on the road.

3. Can I take the driving test without any professional driving lessons?

Yes, technically you can take the test without any professional lessons, but it’s not advisable. Professional instructors are well-versed in the nuances of driving tests and will equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to pass the test and drive safely.

4. What’s the advantage of taking more driving lessons?

Taking more driving lessons helps you become a confident, responsible, and safe driver. You get more experience in different driving conditions and situations, thereby better preparing you for the driving test and your future on the road.

5. How often should I have driving lessons?

Most people find that having one to two lessons per week works well. This regular practice helps you retain what you’ve learned while also giving you time to absorb new information and skills.

6. What factors might increase the number of driving lessons I need?

Factors such as your previous driving experience, age, learning pace, and the complexity of driving in your local area could affect the number of lessons you need. The more varied and challenging the driving conditions you practice in, the more lessons you might need.

7. How do intensive driving courses compare to regular driving lessons?

Intensive driving courses, also known as crash courses, are designed to help you pass your driving test in a shorter period. They can be useful if you’re in a hurry to pass your test. However, they might not give you as broad a range of experience as regular lessons spread out over a longer period.

8. Can I count my private practice towards my driving lessons?

While private practice can supplement your professional lessons, it’s not a direct substitute. It’s essential to receive professional training to ensure you’re learning the correct techniques and habits.

9. What happens if I fail my test? Do I need to take more lessons?

If you fail your test, it’s recommended to take a few more lessons to focus on the areas you struggled with. Your driving instructor will provide feedback and strategies to help you pass on your next attempt.

10. How do I know when I’ve had enough lessons to take the driving test?

Your driving instructor will advise you when they believe you’re ready to take the test. They’ll make this decision based on your confidence, skills, and understanding of the road rules, not just the number of lessons you’ve had.

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